பாரதி பயிலகம் வலைப்பூ

Friday, November 23, 2018


            Things do happen even if we never give a taught to it. Yes, it proved correct in our case. I have allowed 2 chances for LFC to get lapsed, as i was not very much interested as my daughters have become independent and are busy with there life( all tours my daughters have accompanied us ). A tour without them remained out of mind as far as I was concerned and hence I just never gave a thinking on those lines.However, my wife was persisting me for going out on a LFC.

               Few months back, I received a call from my brother in law Sri Balasubramanian, informing me about a trip to Badrinath and Kedarnath and he said my co brother’s family, my sambanthi would be joining the trip apart from his famiy. This sounded as a good idea for me to go on a LFC and to be away from the monotony of Bank atleast for few days and hence I also gave my nod for the trip. Things happened quickly. Tickets have been booked up to Delhi and tour Manager M/s Kala Rajan of Delhi was also informed about our participation in the tour.

              After availing the leave, we have started from Trichy on 10th May 2018 to Chennai by Vaigai express and on reaching Chennai, went to my daughter Priyadharshni’s house. As my sampanthi Mrs Radha Krishnamurthy was also one of the participant in the tour, she and my wife started preparing the food for the next day’s train journey to Delhi and my part was to pack the food. After packing, we had a good chat with Sabarish and Priya and went to sleep.

              11th May 2018
             Our journey to Badri started . We have arranged a cab around 4.30AM and went to  Central station to catch Garibrath express to Nizamudin. Co brother family, Bala family along with Prof. Krishnamurthy and his wife from Srirangam ( later became very close to us) assembled and we all boarded the train. The train started around 6.35 AM towards Delhi. I am proceeding to Delhi after a gap of 17 years.  The train journey was very tiresome with no specific events other than our conversation. 

(journey to Delhi)

  12th May 2018 
We have reached Nizamudin station around 10.30AM and took a taxi to our hotel at   Paharganj. We could get comfortable room and Mr Kannan our close friend at Delhi came to meet me and we had a good chat recalling the old incidents.  We, along with Mr Kannan, went to Janpath area, to have our lunch. We had been to Saravanabhavan and had a good south Indian lunch. Delhi due to the metro rail system seems changed a bid but mostly remained the same Delhi, when we left at 2000.  Mr Kannan took us to Rajiv chowk metro station and left us. From Rajiv chowk, we all proceeded to Akshardham a temple built in Gujarathi style, which is located on the Ghaziabad road. The temple is situated in 50 acres of land and is provided with all amenities. I took wheel chair and went round. “Aanthi” a dust storm was threatening to blow up and hence, we had to hurry . After visiting the temple, we came over to the metro station and took some photograph before boarded the train to New Delhi station and back to hotel.
(In a metro rail-Delhi)               (Akshardam backdrop)           (Mahatma Gandhi Samadhi)
13th May 2018
We went for local site seeing. As every place I have already visited many times, during my stay at Delhi  from 1997 to 2000 , it did not enthuse me much now. However, to go with people, I had also undertook the journey. We first tried red fort but it was closed. It was a disappointment for others. My  aim of going in to the fort interior did not materialise, due to the closure. Then we paid homage to the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat. Just relaxed a bit. Just went round Parliament, Rastrapathibhavan  in the car itself. Then we went to Munirka area and had purchases there. I purchased bed spread ,3 sarees and asked the shop keeper to send as a parcel to Chennai as the shop where we shopped  belong to Delhi Government. We had a good north Indian lunch and reached Vaikundanathjee temple ( our starting point for Badrinath trip). After some rest, myself, Geetha and Radha mami, went to Malaimandir and had a good dharshan of Lord Muruga. Malaimandir is called as “Uthar Swamimalai” and the project was inaugurated by the then President of India Dr. Rajendra Prasad. The committee was headed by Sri R Venkataraman another former President of India. The temple is very well maintained. I recalled the frequent visits I made to this temple, during my stay at Delhi especially on a new year day ( January 1 is a working day at Delhi)Almost all the persons booked for the trip assembled at the Vaikundanathjee temple, when we returned.  We all waited in the corridor of the temple. Behind the temple a branch of  Andavar Ashram of Srirangam is functioning and they provided us the night tiffin. Due to stomach upset, I did not take anything.  Around 9 PM Mr Suresh son of Mr Rajan the organiser called for a meeting and described about the trip and he said he would be accompanying us during the trip.  Around 10.30PM we were allotted buses and gave us the seat number and asked us to go over to the Buses.  The journey towards Badri and Kedar started.
(vaikundanath temple from where we have started the journey)
14th May 2018
Reached Riskhkesh via Haridwar( by pass )around 5.30AM. I have already visited this place during 1998. But the serine atmosphere, prevailing at that time is missing a bit ( this is my feeling). We were accommodated in an Ashram. The rooms were comfortable, though not very neat. We proceeded to Ganga to have our bath. The Ganga was flowing just 50 feet below the ashram and steps were provided to go to the river. The flow of water was not furious. Kumar helped me to cross the rocks and go over to  middle of the river ( no water in between). There i chose a comfortable place and had bath for nearly 40 minutes. In the meantime, Kumar finished his bath and performed Tharpanam in the Ganga ( that day happens to be ammavasya day ). In the mean time, Geetha and other friends had their bath near the bathing ghat itself ( where the river flows like a canal )and got themselves ready. After our bath, we all went back to our rooms and dressed up. After a while, we all assembled in the centre of the Ashram where Mr Suresh briefed about that day’s programme and he introduced one guide to us and informed that he would take us all to the places. We hired a motorised rickshaw which can accommodate 8 persons and first visited  Sivananda ashram. It lies in the slop of the mountain facing Ganga. There we went to the Samadhi of Sivananda and offered our prayers. Then went round book shop and I purchased two books. In the mean time, others went round all places in the Ashram ( as the places are in high altitude, I preferred not to go to all places). They normally offer rooms if we book through on line and can stay there even for a week. Food will be provided and we have to participate in their daily routine only. Kumar expressed his desire to come over to this ashram for a week’s stay.  After leaving the ashram, we crossed the Raman jouwla. We went to the other side of Ganga, where we had been to a siva temple. It is believed that Pandavas started their journey to himalayas from this temple only. We made abishekam to Lord siva by ourselves and left for Kala kambliwala samathi. His real name could not be ascertained and he was a rich man from Kolkatta and visited Badri.  During those days, it was not sure whether any body who undertake the journey to Badri would return back due to the fact that they have to cross dense forest with animals and to bear the inclement weather. However, this man came back successfully but was moved by the hardship underwent by the pilgrims. Hence, he used all his money to build choultry in many places between Riskikesh and Badrinath. After that he settled in Rishikesh and did not return to Kolkatta. He always use to wear a black blanket and hence got the name Kala kambliwala. His ashram was neat and tidy. We could see statue of Radha and Krishna and Anjaneya apart from his samathi and his statue. We came out and went for shopping at Utharkand government shopping centre. There we all assembled and the shop incharge gave a brief account about spadiga malai , rudracha malai etc., There I got my spadiga malai tested andgot confirmed as original. Our people made shopping and after shopping we all went to Lakshman juwla. All had photograph and crossed the bridge. Both Raman and Lakshman juwla are made of iron strings  and it is an engineering marvel indeed. While crossing due to air pressure, the juwla swings a bit which is a thrilling experience. ( when I first visited Lakshman juwla 17 years back there were no construction on either side of the banks and full of jungle only. But now both sides are full of concrete jungle).
All our people went to a 8 storey temple ( recently built ) and I preferred to watch them going and coming. After that we all assembled in the boat jatty and boarded a boat to cross Ganga. We all crossed the Ganga in the boat and went to our Ashram. As we went round Risikesh in the hot sun, We all took rest in the room. Around 6.30PM all went to Ganga riverbanks to witness Ganga arathi. As usual  as I could not walk any further, I preferred to rest in the room itself. Geetha came and told me that the Aarathi was very superb. There were songs and dance and finally 16 persons stood in a stool like structure and performed arathi to matha Ganga amidst vedic chanting. We all had our night dinner around 8.30 PM and went to bed. Geetha and Pushpa went to Balaji mandir and a Siva temple in the morning, which i omitted to mention.
(two samiyars at Rishikesh)    (after holy dip in Ganga)      (at Sivananda ashram hall-Rishikesh)
(Lakshman juwla – Rishikesh)                         (Raman juwla-Rishikesh) (Crossing Ganga river)
(Ganga Arathi – Rishikesh)
15th May 2018                                                                              
The actual ascenting of himalays towards Badrinath started from thisday. The Badinath shrine is 260 Kms from Rishikesh and entire road is in the ghat section. We started in 3 buses and a Traveller van around 5.30 AM. ( The notable thing here is that the sun rise is around 4 30 AM itself  and hence it looked like 8.30 AM in the morning at 5.30 AM itself with bright sun shine )The river Ganga was accompanying us by our side. Around 7.45 AM, we have reached Devaprayag.  Here the river Alaganandha and Bagirathi amalgamates and river Ganga starts flowing from here. Alaganandha was very ferocious and Bagirathi  very calm. We have to descend around 200 meters to reach the meeting point of the river.  As usual all our tour mates descended towards the sangamam and I preferred to stay in the bus itself. In the ghat as the river is very ferocious, the members were not allowed to get in to the river. Instead, two of our tour crew members have used bucket and poured the water to all the members.  The tour members bathed in this fashion here. After that they have visited the Neelamega perumal shrine which is considered as one among the 108 Tirupathi by the vaishnavaites. Thirumangai Alwar gave a song in praise of the deity here. Around 9.30AM we have reached a small village were an ashram is situated. We had our breakfast here . Here River alaganandha and Adhi Mangadini meets and further flows as Alaganandha. A beautiful hanging bridge connects two hills here and we can walk in the bridge to see the rivers. A beautiful and thrilling experience indeed. After our break fast, we undertook a tedious bus journey.  Around 1PM, we reached SRINAGAR ( GARWAL DIST)  and had our lunch and resumed our bus journey and reached Adi Badri  around 3 PM. This is a very small place were 5 temples are situated. Each temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, Annapurani, Hanuman, Radhekrishna and Siva. Unlike the present Badri, this shrine is closed during the month of Margazhi only (December 15th to January 15th ). The place is surrounded by Himalayas on all sides giving a beautiful scene.  We resumed our journey and reached KARNAPRAYAG.  It is a small town in Garwal district where, the river Alagananda and Mandagini meets and further flows further as Alagananda.  Here, we have crossed the river Alagananda through a bridge and reached the other side of the hill. Here, we have experienced the first rain during the tour. Due to heavy rain, we had to proceed very slowly . One side highly elevated himalays and on the other side deep valley and we had to proceed in the slippery road due to the rain which gave a very thrilling experience. We have reached  PIPLEKOTE  around 8.30 PM and reached our hotel . The day’s tiresome bus journey got concluded. The room was a 10 bed dormitory type room but was comfortable. Our team ( consists of myself, Geetha, Kumar, Srividya, Radha mami, Mr Krishnamurthy’s sister in law ) had a good chat and retired to bed.
                            (way to Devaprayag)                                        (Devaprayag at a distance)   (Sangamam point of
                                                                                                                                                         Alagananda_ Bhagirathi)
(After snanam at Sangamam-Devaprayag)  (Hamara Gadi uthar kadi hi )
(Adhi Badri )                                                                          (chanting of Vishnusahasranamam at Pippalkottee)
16th May 2018
(started for Badri )                                                      (Rock erosion due to 2013 floods)(First glazier on sight)
Our’ team’ at Joshimutt                        (Unity of Saivam and Vainavam )
Temple entrance_Joshimutt                                                                             (Adisankaracharya temple-backdrop)
We started around 5.30 AM for ascending further in the Himalayas. The ghat section road was narrow but the surroundings were very beautiful. Around 8.00AM we have reached JOSHIMUTT. Joshimutt, is formed by Adi Sankaracharya. The town is very beautiful and we could see the movement of Indian Army vehicles there. A school run by the military is situated there and we could see kids wearing uniform travelling in the military van. Our vehicle stopped few meters before the temple and we could reach the temple by foot.  We had to decend few meters to reach the temple. The temple ( in north Indian style ) is not very big but beautiful. Lord Shiva adorned the sanctum sanctorum and Pooja was being performed by the Pandas. People were sitting with reverberation chanting the nama of the almighty. We also sat in the pooja and after the arathi, Prasad was distributed . We have after that, visited a one storyed building inside the temple premises where a small idol of Adi Sankaracharya is placed and daily pooja is being performed.  The entire room is made up of wood and could withstand the weather. During 6 months of winter, the idol of Badri is brought here and the temple of Badri is closed for six months .
After spending nice time at Joshimutt, we proceeded our journey to Badrinath.
The last 10 minutes drive to Badrinath was very thrilling. Sharp hairpin bends with no support and very deep valley scared us. But the drivers ,very efficient as they make frequent visit, drove with ease. All our fears vanished in thin air, when we entered the Badrinath town and we could see the Badrinath temple from a distance itself. “Bolo Badrivishal ki Jai”  slogan reverberated in the air and all our strain vanished once we saw the temple.
Badrinath at sight                    Badrinath ji temple

We were accommodated in two hotels and the hotel in which we were ( my family, Kumars’ Radha mami, Krishnamurthy family and his brother in law family stayed together throughout the tour) accommodated had a open balcony in front of our rooms and table and chairs were provided and sitting through which, we could enjoy the himalays and also could see the last post of our military guarding the Indio- China ( Tibet ) border, which is on the high mountain.

Immediately on occupying the room Kumar and others made a visit to the temple. I decided to stay back as I was tired and also could not walk to the temple as the way to the temple was very steep.
Around 3 PM, we all went to the temple. I have engaged a dolly ( it is made up of a basket carried by a person on his back ). The dollywala was a well built young man who took me with all care. First we went round the temple and had a dharshan of Hanuman, Sita and purchased ticket for aarthi dharshan and waited for the same. In the meantime, our team sat in the corridor of the temple and started chanting Vishnu Sahasranaman. Some north Indian pilgrims also came and silently sat with us and enjoyed our chanting. After that we all went to the queue for the aarthi dharshan and went inside the temple and sat in the sanctum sanctorum. We could see Nara narayan ( Badi Narayanan, Kuberan and Naratha muni idols, for which the aarthi was made. The Pandit first elaborated the story of Badrinath and chanted the mandra during which the aarthi was performed. After that we all made to go near the idols to have a close dharshan. During that time, we gave the coins bundle we have carried with us for this tour to the Pandit. He placed the same on the foot of Kuberan and returned the same to us, which is meant for distributing to our friends and relatives as Prasadh. We came out of the temple and myself and Geetha went to another place from where, we had direct dharshan of the Badri narayanan. After satisfactory dharshan, wecame our of the temple where the dolly walla was waiting to pick me and using the dolly we returned back to our hotel and asked him to come the next day morning to pick me up for a dharshan of Badri narayan again. We sat in the balcony enjoying the chill atmosphere , during which time other members also came back from the temple and our supper also came. After finishing our super, we retired for the day.

17th MAY 2018

Next day early morning the dollywalla promptly came to the hotel and took me in his dolly to the temple. Geetha accompanied me. Others came by foot. First we went to GHOWRIKUNT  a hot spring pool situated very near the temple. Arrangements made by the temple authorities for the gents and ladies to take bath in the spring separately. I have taken bath in the hot spring  and Geetha also took bath in the place specified for the ladies. The dollywalla helped me to take bath and took us to the temple, after we changed our cloths. Again we had a clear dharshan of Badri narayan, Sita, Hanuman and Rishi Vyasar and came back to the hotel fully satisfied with the Dharshan of Badri Narayanan.
In Badrinath, persons who are fatherless, can give Tharpanam  to their fathers and forefathers and the same is more than the tharpanam performed at Gaya . Hence, some members have gone to the place were tharpanam could be performed.

The next visit by us was to  MANA VILLAGE.  As per the tour itinerary, we should have been taken to this village by the tour management. However, they avoided to take us, citing some reasons, for which Kumar was not happy. He immediately arranged vehicle for our team ( the members, I have already mentioned )  and we visited the village. MANNA VILLAGE is a very small village situated 5 Kms from Badrinath. This is the last village in the Indian territory.  After this village, the China ( Tibet) territory starts roughly about 12 Kms from this village. The speciality of this village is that The Pandavas, after ruling Indraprastha ( by winning the war at Kurukshetra ) took Vanaprastha with an intention to relinquish the world. They proceeded to the heavenly abode by foot, and the starting point was this village. Dharma told his brothers and his wife that whatever happens during the journey to anybody, the journey should continue without looking back and accordingly the started the journey. First Dhroupathy not able to bear the journey died but others proceeded. Second to die was Nagulan and after that Sahadevan. Subsequently Arjuna and Beema also died.  But Dharma continued the journey. During his journey a dog also followed him sincerely. At one point Indra came in his chariot and asked Dharma to board the chariot enroute to heaven. At that time, the dog preceded him and boarded the chariot. But Indra objected to this and asked Dharma alone to board the chariot for which Dharma refused. He said the dog sincerely followed him and it is not dharma to leave the dog . At that time the dog transformed in to Dharma devathai and both Indra and Dharmadevathai informed Dharma that they have only tested his virtues and he passed the same.
(at Mana village )                                                                        (Vinayaga temple at Mana) (last tea shop on Indian side)
(Vyasa cave where sage vyasa   Bridge of Beema                Pandavas route to Heaven
Dictated Mahabaratha to
Lord Ganesha )

In Manna village, there are two places to visit , one is Beema bridge and another is Vyasa cage. Beema bride is a rock of 3 meters length, connecting two sides of the river Sarawathi. River Saraswathi originate at Badrinath and believed to be flowing underground only and amalgamates with Ganga and Yamuna at Prayagraj ( Allahabad ). It is believed that during the journey of the Pandavas ( as I have aforesaid ) they had to cross the ridge and Drowpathy was hesitating to cross the ridge and hence Beema using the rock made a bridge  to cross the ridge and also river Saraswathi.  Another place is the Vyasa cage. It is situated at an elevation and people have to take steps to go near this. It is believed that Sage Vyasa was narrating Mahabaratha verbally and Lord Vinayaga wrote the same in palm leaf and that is how the Mahabaratha is known to us. There is a temple for Vinayaga also there.
Though I could not visit these places due to altitude problem, all other team members visited these places and good number of photographs taken by Kumar in these places.
There is a tea shop also in this area with a board “ Last tea shop in Indian territory” and our team members had a tea in this shop.

After visiting these places, we have returned to our hotels, were lunch was provided first to the persons who have performed Tharpanam at Badrinath and after that we also had our lunch. After that we left Badrinath with the fond memories of Badrinath  and reached PIPALKOTE and stayed in the same hotel where we have stayed during our visit to Badrinath. We had our supper in the hotel and we were briefed by the tour organiser about Kedarnath visit by Helicopter. We ( none other than our team members) decided to visit Kedarnath for a night stay at the shrine place.
18TH may 2018
Out of the 3 buses and a Traveller, which undertook the tour, one bus returned back to New Delhi from Pipalkote and the rest ( 2 buses and a Traveller) started the journey to Kedarnath. Up to Karnaprayag, the route was the same as we proceeded to Badrinath. From Karnaprayag, our tourage took a separate route to proceed to Kedarnath. The route was very pleasant for more than one hour of journey. We stopped our vehicles near a motel and had our breakfast.  After that, we could feel that the vehicles were going upward in a steep mountain and the road became very narrow. Almost only one vehicle could pass in that road. At many points, we faced the traffic jam and some of
(traffic jam at Ghat- heading to Guptakasi)                                 (taking lunch before proceeding to Kedarnath)
our tour friends and Kumar regulated the traffic at many points. It was a thrilling experience indeed. We really appreciated the Driver’s skill . My co-brother Sri Subramanian also regulated the traffic at one point.  After a thrilling journey, around 2.30 PM we reached a spacious place with some motels and rest room, where we had our lunch.  At this point, our “team” members were asked to shift to Traveller van from the bus as we have decided to make night stay at Kedarnath. Mr Suresh , son of the tour organiser also accompanied us. Around 4.00 PM we have reached GUPTAKASI. This is the last town before Kedarnath. From here people use 3 modes of transport viz., by walk, by pooni and by helicopter, to reach Kedarnath.  We have reached the helipad directly, which is further 1 KM from Guptakasi town, to get the accommodation in the helicopter.  Here 1 state owned Hans Pawan company and other 3 non Govt companies operate the helicopter service to Kedarnath. Here some 20 people including our team assembled to get the helicopter. Our Weight was measured and after verifying our Aadharcard tickets were given. We were asked to assemble in the launch. Only 5 members can travel in the helicopter at a time.  Myself, Geetha, Pushpa and two other passengers ( not our tour members) were assigned to go first in the helicopter. Hence, Kumar asked me to book accommodation at Kedarnath for all our “team” members. The travel time is 6 minutes from Guptakasi to Kedarnath helipad. While flying, I could see people walking( rather climbing ) towards the temple and could see almost the entire route to Kedarnath by foot. It was indeed very steep and I really got lot of respect for the people who travel by foot and admired  their Bakthi.  When we started from Guptakasi it was very sunny. But almost 1 minute before our landing at Kedarnath, it started raining and we had to rush to a shelter immediately on landing at Kedarnath. My self , Geetha and Pusha rushed to the accommodation booking counter and booked a dormitory for our team. Due to 2013 flood havoc, all permanent structures were replaced by tents only. These tents are called as Spanish tents. They are made up of fibre glass and are rectangular in size with flat top. 10 beds like train berth were provided inside. The rain started heavily and other members of our team also arrived by that time. We have rested at the accommodation for few minutes and decided to go for dharshan in the rain itself as we felt that the rain would not stop. Hence, Kumar rushed outside and purchased a rain coat made for a single use only for all our members. We adorned the same and others started walking towards the temple. I have opted for dolly and Geetha accompanied me. The temple is situated 150 meters from our tent and many shops in temporary sheds could be found through out the passage to temple.
The Kedarnath and Badrinath temples are managed by Badri-Kedar temple trust. Actually both the temples are separted only by 30 Kms but a steep mountain stand in between. Hence, all have to take a circuitous route from Badri to reach Kedar.
(Helipad-Kedarnath-                (Our tent at Kedarnath)     ( ghost at Kedarnath )   (Kedarnathji temple)
(Heavy rain and our winter cloth                                                           ( for joke only )
Totally inadequate )
(Snow covered mountain infront of ( tents on the way to temple)        ( pani padarntha malai – at Kedarnath )
(tents – another view –Kedarnath )                                                ( Helipad – before leaving Kedarnath )

(Helipad-shivering cold )
The temperature started dipping due to the rain and we could reach the temple shivering. Myself and Geetha went inside the temple after standing in the queue. Ofcourse we stood for less than 5 minutes only in the queue before we entered the shrine. 

We all know that Pandavas killed their cousins, Guru and Grand father and other relatives only to win the kingdom. In order to do pariharam for their sins, they decided to approach Lord Shiva for the salvation. Lord Shiva understood their intention and inorder to avoid the Pandavas, took the form of cow and mingled with group of cows grazing. Pandavas realised that Lord Shiva took the form of a cow to avoid them and decided to find Shiva and Beema stood with both of his legs apart and asked all cows to pass through his legs. As Shiva hesitated to pass through Beema’s legs, he started digging the earth to go to the other side. Beema found Lord Shiva’s act and pulled the tail out. But only the back portion of the cow could emerge out. The face of the cow emerged out from the earth at Pasupathinath in Nepal. Hence, at Kedarnath we could see the back portion of a cow only which is worshiped as Lord shiva.

Immediately on entering the temple, we could see the idols of Dharumar, Arjunan, Beeman, Kunthi devi and Drowpathy. Inside we could see Lord Shiva in the form I have mentioned in the previous para. After a clear dharshan for nearly 3 minutes, we could come out of the temple. However, other members of our “Team” had a clear dharshan for several times as the rush was minimum due to rain. Myself and Geetha returned to the tent totally shivering. Immediately on entering the tent, we entered in to the Rajai. I have tried to keep myself and also Geetha warm, by rubbing my foot as well as that of Geetha’s several times. After nearly 10 minutes of constant rubbing, we could get some warmness and the shivering gone a bit. Other members came after 15 minutes all shivering.  The temperature outside was 2 degrees. Rain was still on.  We all chanted Vishnu sahasranamam and Shivapuranam. Lakshmi madam had breathing problem and she went out of mind due to fear. The mood was very sober and all remained speechless. Sri Krishnamurthy and his brother in law tried to cheer up Lakshmi madam. Kumar was cheering up all and he went out and bought some bun and biscuits for our dinner. The winter clothing we all had was totally inadequate and hence we had a sleepless and a very sober night.
19th MAY 2018

We all got ready for our return by 4.30 AM. We went to the helipad around 5 AM and given our names for the first trip. It was very cold outside and we all were shivering. The helicopter service started around 6 AM. Lakshmi madam came to me and apologised for her indifferent attitude  the previous night. I told her that we did not take that seriously and requested her to forget the incident . This time myself and Geetha were the last to take the helicopter back to Guptakasi.
The weather at Guptakasi was very bright and sunny and totally different from that at Kedarnath. Immediately on landing, we all had a cup of hot tea and slowly regained our strength. We went to the hotel, took bath and had our breakfast. Some members of our tourage went to nearby temple and we preferred to take rest.  After lunch, we were shifted to another hotel very near to the helipad, which was very clean when compared to the previous hotel we stayed. In the evening, our ‘team’ started chanting Vishnusahasranaman in the corridor of the hotel. Some other members of our tour also joined us in chanting. After that one lady member of our tour team sung songs from Tirupugazh and Kumar also joined her. Indeed that evening was totally relaxing, happy and totally contrary to the experience we had the previous night at Kedarnath.
(Helipad-Guptakasi)               (Relaxing at Guptakasi )                 (Kedarnath hill – view from our hotel at Guptakasi)
20th MAY 2018
Today we started our return journey to Haridwar. The entire day we had to undertake the bus journey with a stopping at two places for breakfast and Lunch. It was littlebit tiresome only. We could see all the rivers again viz., Bagirath, Alaganandha and Ganga and Rishikesh again. Around 4.30 PM we could reach Haridwar and got accommodation in an ashram. The ashram contains numerous pilgrims and was very busy. We took rest some some time and after refreshing ourselves, proceeded to Harikabari on the banks of Ganga to see the aarathi.  Myself and Geetha sat on a bridge to see the aarathi and others went to the aarathi spot itself to have a better look. We ( myself and Geetha ) after seeing the aarathi from a distance, returned back and made some shopping in the bazaar of Haridwar and returned to the room.

(Ganga – Haridwar )                  (Ganga at night – Haridwar)                Harathi at Haridwar
21st MAY 2018
All members started towards Ganga to have a bath and as usual, our ‘team’ also set out to River Ganga in a autorickshaw. We reached a bathing ghat with less crowd and had a good bath. We worshipped mother Ganga and returned to room and had our breakfast. After that some persons went out to Manasadevi temple including Geetha and I preferted to stay in the room. Further Kumar also had fever and hence rested in his room. Around 3 PM Kumar felt better and hence, our ‘team’ has set out to see Haridwar . We could see 4 temples and 3 ashrams. Out of which one temple had glass wall and many artistic works were displayed. After satisfactory visit to all places returned to the ashram. In the night we had a good dinner as this is the last dinner as far as the tour is concerned. Around 10 PM our tourage started our journey back to New Delhi. Before starting we have ( the persons travelled in our bus ) honoured the driver Sri Singh and assistant Mr Bahadur by presenting cash and a shawl. Afterthat, we started our journey.
Baradwaj ashram –Haridwar          Gita mandir – Haridwar   Rudraksha tree at backdrop           gnana mandir - Haridwar
Krishna mandir-Haridwar               our team on our way back to Haridwar from Kedar
22nd MAY 2018
Around 5PM, we returned back to Vaikunthanathji temple from where we had started our journey to Badri. We had our bath and had a good dharshan of Lord Vishnu in that temple. We had our breakfast at a nearby tiffin centre. All the tour members started leaving one by one bidding farewell to each other. Today was the marriage day for Sri Krishnamurthy and Lakshmi madam and hence all tour members gathered and wished them and presented with a gift. Myself and Geetha have booked our ticket back to Trichy by air and others have booked ticket in the Tamilnadu expresss in the night. Hence, we ( myself and Geetha ) have around10 AM bid goodbye to all and left for the airport. Two assistant cooks who were party in this trip also booked their ticket back to Chennai in the same flight and hence accompanied us to the airport. We have reached the airport around 11AM, got the boarding pass and got in to the plane at around 12.30 PM ( Air India ). The plane took off at 1PM and reached Chennai at 3.30 PM. After getting our luggages we came out of the airport and phoned Priya as well as Varsha. Varsha said she would come to the airport to see us and hence asked us to wait in the corridor itself. She came around 4.30 PM  and we had our evening snacks and was talking to each other. She bid good bye to us at around 7.30 PM and we entered again to the airport to take the flight to Trichy ( scheduled at 8.30 PM. We waited in to the launge for the plane ( jet airways ) and could boarded the plane at around 9.30 PM ( the plane was late ) and reached Trichy around 10.30 PM and we have reached our home at Karumandapam around 11 PM.
Mostly, the journey to Badri and Kedar was good and we could mingle with lot of people, could see the beauty of Himalayas ( we could see the after effect of 2013 flood havoc also in the mountain). A journey, which I never thought that I would undertake, went on very well  and the beautiful moments will remain fresh in my memory for ever.  THANK YOU LORD BADRI AND LORD SHIVA FOR YOUR DHARSHAN AND YOUR BLESSINGS SHOWERED ON US ( OUR ENTIRE TEAM ).